Random: This Ace Attorney Musical Mashup Casts Edgeworth And Phoenix As Backstreet Boys


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We can’t decide if this Backstreet Boys-meets-Ace Attorney combination is brilliant, or horrifying. We think it’s both, but we also admire the musical skill it takes to think, “you know what would go well together? Boybands and an old DS game about the legal system.” It’s like the first person to find out that chocolate and crisps is a good combination, even when everyone called them mad.

By combining Maya’s theme with classic ’90s hit, I Want It That Way, and then casting the four boys — Phoenix, Edgeworth, Apollo and Klavier Gavin — as the band, Chessete has created a masterpiece. It’s far from their first time doing this very specific kind of mashup, too — check out this Daft Punk one:

Weirdly, we’ve been listening to a lot of Ace Attorney-themed music lately, and who can blame us? It’s great music. There’s this sexy horn version of Maya’s Theme by Dewey Newt, and although it doesn’t include Ace Attorney music, this framing of Michael Jackson’s Smooth Criminal as an Edgeworth-v-Wright trial is very good — pay attention to Miles on drums:

Which songs do you think would go nicely with a side of Ace Attorney music? We’re thinking Cornered + I Shot The Sheriff, maybe. Phoenix could defend all the song crimes!

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