Month: January 2023

January 31 has been officially declared as Final Fantasy 7 Day by the Japan Anniversary Organisation (JAO), marking the 25th anniversary of the game’s PS1 release in Japan. The designation highlights the impact the title has had on the Japanese games industry and the overall medium of video games. Final Fantasy 7 Day celebrates the
Iron Galaxy’s Rumbleverse, its pro-wrestling-flavored battle royale, is shutting down next month, only seven months after its full launch last August.  Though Iron Galaxy doesn’t plainly state the reason for Rumbleverse’s demise, a blog post somewhat hints that a lack of substantial players may have played a role, stating in part: “When you work on a
Hello folks. I think there’s probably some sort of law against wishing people a Happy New Year when you’re saying it on the final day of January, but stuff it, I’m doing it anyway. Happy New Year everyone. Let’s talk about all the cool stuff coming up on RPS in 2023.
Activision Blizzard executive Lulu Cheng Meservey has bizarrely claimed that The Last of Us HBO TV show‘s success further justifies Microsoft’s purchase of Activision Blizzard. Cheng, who is no stranger to bizarre statements, says that Microsoft needs Activision to compete because PlayStation has “an unrivaled war chest of IP.” Activision urges FTC to take note
CyberHive is a weird game to try and review.  It’s a game that comes from Blazing Planet Studios, published by Samustai LTD, and pretty much does exactly as it says on the tin – you take control of a spaceship that acts as a hive for a bunch of bees. In this intergalactic beehive, you
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