Video: “This Was My Attempt To Redeem The Story Of Silent Hill 3” – Revisiting Shattered Memories With Sam Barlow


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Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
Image: Konami

When discussing horror games for the Nintendo Wii, there’s one in particular that absolutely dominates the coversation thanks to its astounding impact and enduring legacy: Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition. It’s such an important game that some of the other horror titles on the Wii often get overlooked – undeservedly so, in our opinion.

One such game that’s still very much worth playing to this day is Silent Hill: Shattered Memories. It launched back at the tail end of 2009 for North America, arriving at a time when public confidence in Konami’s survival horror franchise was starting to wane in the wake of disappointing sequels such as Silent Hill: Homecoming. Nevertheless, Shattered Memories remains one of the more critically acclaimed entries to the series, making excellent use of the Wii’s unique control capabilities to really immerse players in the experience.

To celebrate, our lovely video producer Zion has spent some time with Shattered Memories’ lead designer and writer Sam Barlow to dicuss the game’s development, its impact, and his less-than-favourable views on the iconic Silent Hill 3. We’ll say no more here, so be sure to check out the video below at your leisure!

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