Nintendo Introduces Lucina In Fire Emblem Engage


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Image: Nintendo

We’re now at the tail end of 2022, and that means Nintendo’s next big first-party release Fire Emblem Engage is just around the corner. Yes, in case you missed it, this title will be launching on the Switch on 20th January – so we’re just weeks out!

Nintendo has continued to introduce (and reintroduce) characters one by one, and the latest marks the return of Lucina. This character made her debut in the 2012 Nintendo 3DS title Fire Emblem: Awakening. Here’s a bit about her in the latest game (translated by @SatsumaFS), along with a look at her in battle:

Lucina’s Synchro Skill, Dual Strike, allows anyone to Chain Attack regardless of class. The further your attack range, the more chances you have to Chain Attack.

Lucina’s Engage Weapon, Noble Rapier, deals great damage to Cavalry and Armored enemies.

Lucina’s Engage Skill, Bond Shield, has a high chance of nullifying damage aimed at adjacent allies. When used by a unit with the Martial Arts style, this chance is 100%.

Lucina’s Engage Technique, All For One, allows all allies within 2 squares to participate in Chain Attacks. Depending on your formation, you can have all of your allies join in on the offense.

In Fire Emblem Engage, players will be able to summon and fight alongside legendary heroes from past Fire Emblem games. Apart from Lucina, there’ll also be characters like Marth and Celica returning. You can check our Nintendo Life guide to see who else will feature in the cast of Fire Emblem Engage:

What do you think of the latest character reveal? Comment down below.

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