Square Enix Will Conduct Theatrhythm Final Bar Line Livestream Today


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Theatrhythm Final Bar Line
Image: Square Enix

Ever since its announcement in September’s Direct Showcase, we have been getting a steady stream of Theatrhythm Final Bar Line information from Square Enix — but we are always hungry for more! Fortunately, it looks like just that will be happening soon, as a Final Bar Line livestream has been announced for today at 9:00pm GMT / 1:00pm PST!

The news was shared via the @FinalFantasy Twitter account and the stream is set to take place on the official Square Enix Twitch channel a little later on. What exactly the livestream will entail is still something of a mystery, though we do know that it will feature content from developers at indieszero as well as words from one of the producers, Ichiro Hazama.

In the most recent update from the game team, we heard about the title’s planned DLC — the first batch of which comes out on launch day (16th February). This has followed news of new game modes and online multiplayer, all of which was shared last year, so we are hoping that today’s presentation will give us a better idea of just what else is in store this time around and maybe show off some more all-important gameplay footage.

Be sure to tune in a little later on today!

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