Square Enix remastered Chrono Cross due to preservation fears


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Square Enix has commented in a recent video on why they decided that Chrono Cross should be remastered. The announcement of the remaster of the classic RPG was initially meant to commemorate the game’s 20th anniversary. However, the remasters producer, Koichiro Sakamoto, has now publicly stated that there was more to it than that. Sakamoto says that they were depending on the Game Archive service for their classic RPG’s on Sony’s PlayStation 3 console, but at the time the PlayStation 4 became available to purchase and they weren’t sure whether that console would continue with the Game Archive service, so to stay on the safe side, they decided that they would create a remaster project. Here’s what was said:

“Back when the project was launched, Chrono Cross was possibly going to become unplayable. There was a Game Archive service on PlayStation 3 that allowed you to play PlayStation 1 games. But PlayStation 4 was already on the market. We didn’t know at the time if PlayStation 4 would also have a Game Archive service. It looked like Chrono Cross could become unplayable. So, a remaster project was set up. That’s the backstory.”

Remaster producer Koichiro Sakamoto


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