GQ: best games of all-time voted for by game developers and journalists


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Popular fashion and entertainment website and magazine GQ have decided enough is enough and have decided to publish their very own top 100 video games of all-time. However, the differences with this list and others, is that it they have asked video game developers and journalists to battle it out to find out what they deem to be the very best games of all-time. You can read the full list on their website here.

About GQ’s selection process:

Greatest games of all time lists have, for all time, gone the same way; a team of video game journalists sit down and put together a ranking that is almost predetermined – a seemingly canonical hall of fame that attempts to cover off as many bases as possible. Here at GQ, we thought we’d embrace chaos instead. Rather than shuffle Ocarina of Time, Dark Souls and Ico across a big list according to our own whims, we decided to get our friends involved.

So we gave the industry at large a blank canvas on which to determine their own criteria of “best”, to see where the chosen games differ – and where they’re similar – to the traditionally accepted canon. That meant gathering together a massive collective of our favourite developers, streamers, directors and journalists in the business. Think of it as an “Avengers assemble” moment.

Each voter had one task: pick a personally ranked top ten list. A game in first receives 10 points. A game in 10th place receives 1 point. We invited 300 individuals to participate, and received 239 final lists with an incredible 652 games receiving one vote or more. Our winner not only received the most votes, but also placed in people’s Number 1 more than any other rival.

GQ’s top ten video games of all-time:

  1. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
  2. The Last of Us
  3. Tetris
  4. Bloodborne
  5. The Witcher 3
  6. Mass Effect 2
  7. Metal Gear Solid
  8. Portal 2
  9. Dark Souls
  10. Half Life 2


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