Month: June 2024

Alan Wake 2 was my Game of the Year for 2023, I absolutely loved it. I was lucky enough to play both this and Baldur’s Gate 3 in a bumper year for AAA titles, but the tortured writer’s tale gripped me in a way unlike any other game had done so in such a long
Nintendo held its 84th annual shareholders meeting earlier and one of the questions which came up at the event was how Nintendo’s generational handover is going considering that the legendary Shigeru Miyamoto is now 72. Mr. Miyamoto replied by saying that “I consider (Nintendo’s) generational handover to be progressing smoothly. We have developers that are young and
Right, I’ve got a lot of racing to do for reasons we’ll get into soon, so I’ll make this quick. Forza Horizon 4 is getting delisted from online storefronts on both Xbox and PC in December this year, Playground Games has announced, citing licensing and agreements with partners as the reason it’s being taken down.
Sneaky Rat – a new sokoban on Xbox Ready to tease the cat overlords and grab that tasty cheese? Sneaky Rat is here! Sneaky Rat is the latest to come from the Penguin Pop Games team (previously behind some crazy gaming opportunities in Salamander Country Public Television and The Pizza Delivery Boy Who Saved the
It has now been almost nearly a year since Mortal Kombat 1 officially released on multiple platforms, including the Nintendo Switch. Since then, the game has now entered its post-launch phase, where updates have been getting released and downloadable content has gradually been coming out. Well, thanks to a dataminer, we may now know what
NetherRealm Studios is giving Mortal Kombat 1 six new DLC fighters, according to recent data mining. The data miner also found files referencing two new arenas and five announcers. Who are the new Mortal Kombat 1 fighters? The recent leak comes from data miner Interloko, who discovered the files and talked about them in a