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There have been some concerns raised about the state of Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night on the Nintendo Switch in recent times, and it seems the development team is looking to resolve some problems in the next update.
In a brief post on social media from the official account, the team apologised to players for any inconvenience and mentioned how it’s working on fixes to resolve a “Switch crash” as well as some issues associated with other platforms.
“Thank you to everyone asking about the status of our next update. We are working on fixes for the current Switch crash as well as the store issue on all platforms. We apologize for the inconvenience. More info when to come. Thank you for playing! #BloodstainedROTN”
This follows the rollout of the game’s “final content update” in June, which added Classic II: Dominique’s Curse. It includes a bigger map and its own storyline. Here’s a little bit more about it:
“After being defeated by Miriam, Dominique falls to Limbo. She seeks to steal Bael’s power and escape to the mortal realm where she will have her revenge! During her journey, Dominique will acquire valuable abilities and artefacts that will increase her power… but beware the waning moon! When the moon changes, friends will become foes…”
Have you played Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night on the Switch recently? How are you finding it? Let us know below.