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As Game Pass subscribers, we know that some weeks will be better than others for the sheer number of new games being added to the service. That’s something to take into account this week, as Xbox and PC Game Pass subscribers lose more games from their subscription, than being added to. But we can let them off for this week, no?
Over the last couple of weeks, our Game Pass subscriptions have really come into their own. We’ve had Valorant pop up with some perks, we’ve seen the introduction of the brilliant Creatures of Ava, and even Crash Bandicoot has dropped a Trilogy. There’s no doubt that it’s been a massive value for money exercise.
This week though, Game Pass subscribers lose four games, but only get access to one – and that’s a game which has been around for a good couple of years already. It’s far from bad enough to even consider a subscription pause though…
Mafia comes to Game Pass
This week’s sole new addition to the Game Pass library is that of Mafia: Definitive Edition.
Mafia: Definitive Edition is a remake of the classic crime game set in the roaring 1930s. It first arrived on Xbox back in 2020, and we loved it in review…
“2K has thrown the sink at Mafia: Definitive Edition to make sure those improvements make an impact, and it’s barely possible to recognise the original under the lacquer. “
Players follow the story of Tommy Angelo, a taxi driver drawn into the dangerous world of the Mafia. As he climbs the ranks of the Salieri crime family, players experience the gritty reality of organized crime during Prohibition. The game boasts a recreated 1930s city, expanded storyline, and enhanced gameplay, offering a fresh take on a beloved classic.
Download it from the Xbox Store this week via Game Pass – you’ll find it available on subscription from August 13th.
Leaving Game Pass
Welcoming in 1 game is fine, but we’re losing 4 from the service this week.
- Airborne Kingdoms – Cloud, Console, and PC
- Offworld Trading Company – PC only
- Shadow Warrior 3 – Cloud, Console, and PC
- The Texas Chain Saw Massacre – Cloud, Console, and PC
Fos us, it’s the brilliant Shadow Warrior 3 that will be most missed. No matter whether you’re playing the standard game or the Definitive Edition, you’re looking at a solid 4.5/5 game here. In fact, it’s that score which we have given it on both occasions we’ve reviewed. That probably means you should be playing it asap – and even if you don’t give it a whirl now, pay up the cash and give it a spin later.
Aside from that, others may find the removal of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre from Game Pass to be a bit of a sting, especially as it’s a game that relies on the online community. Or maybe even Airborne Kingdoms.
All of those games will be removed from your Game Pass subscription come August 15th.
Let us know what you think though. The comments are below.