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It’s finally the weekend, and we’re ready to chill out with a spot of gaming. Before we get into our plans, however, let’s take a look at what happened in the world of Nintendo this week.
It was a big one for PlayStation news, weirdly, as we speculated on ‘Switch 2’ pricing after Sony revealed the £700 PS5 Pro. We also delved into Astro Bot (another non-tendo release) as we looked at the fan reaction to its Mario inspiration.
On a Switch-related note, meanwhile, we learnt of a new Mario Wonder OLED bundle, prepared for Splatoon 3‘s Grand Festival Splatfest and went hands-on with Super Mario Party Jamboree.
It’s been a big one for reviews, too. This week, we shared our thoughts on Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics, Rugrats: Adventures in Gameland, Elsie, Yars Rising, NBA 2K25 and more. Phew, September’s already stacking up, and it’s not even Zelda time yet!
Here’s what a handful of us Nintendo Lifers are playing this weekend…
Jim Norman, Staff Writer
I have a couple of things on the go over the next couple of days, but it’s also my birthday weekend, so who knows how much I’ll get round to between cake, cake and more cake.
I’m hoping to spend a little more time with Marvel vs Capcom Fighting Collection and really get into The Punisher beat ’em up for the first time — what a collection. I have also found myself returning to Mario Odyssey this week thanks to a small Sony robot (and that’s not the last time you’ll hear that), so I’ll set about hoovering up a few more moons, me thinks.
There will probably be a little more Donkey Kong Country thrown in there too, because why not? And I’d be amazed if I go the whole time without a couple of battles in the ‘Grand Festival’ Splatfest.
Ollie Reynolds, Staff Writer
I’m still working my way through Astro Bot this weekend. I’ve ‘finished’ the game in the sense that I’ve fought the final boss and completed the main objectives, but I still have a heap of bots and puzzle pieces to find. I’m not done with it just yet, and I just can’t seem to stop playing.
As for the Switch, I’m currently playing a bit of Marvel Vs. Capcom: Fighting Collection (mainly MvC 2, let’s be honest) while making my way through Super Mario Odyssey once again. What can I say, my time with Astro Bot got me eager to replay one of the Switch’s greatest platformers again!
Felix Sanchez, Video Producer
This weekend I’m continuing my endeavour in Ace Attorney 3. I’m in the second case at the moment, and very excited about what this last game of the trilogy has to offer! I’m also hoping to finish Unpacking which I have played quite a bit of, and only need a lil bit more time to close that chapter in my gaming life (a good one at that!).
Kate Gray, Contributor
This weekend I’m on HOLIDAY in a CABIN. I brought my Switch, but I’ve mostly been playing Kynseed on Steam Deck (which hopefully comes to Switch soon), and Slay the Spire (to prove to my brother how good I am at Slay the Spire). The cabin I’m in is on the ocean, though, so I feel like I should be playing some kind of sea-based game. Subnautica? Moonglow Bay? Wind Waker???? Maybe I’d just make myself afraid of the sea if I played those games…
That’s what we have planned for the weekend, but what about you? You can let us know what game you’ll be maining in the following poll and then take to the comments to share what else you have on the cards.