Wish Wordle was more competitive? Meet Wordle Golf


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If you’re ever wished your Wordle‘s daily word puzzles were higher stakes, The New York Times has today pushed out all of the material you need to play Wordle Golf, a nine day Wordle competition that will see friends, family and co-workers competing to get the lowest “par” in each day’s Wordle puzzle. 

Now, The New York Times isn’t doing the heavy lifting on this. They’ve provided the rules to play Wordle Golf and knocked up a fancy spreadsheet for you to tot up the points as you play. 

The rules are simple too: you’re aiming to get the lowest score possible just like in golf. Guess the word in one and you’ll get just one point, fail to get it in five guesses and you’ll score five instead. Miss a day and you’ll rack up a scary seven points, while people not playing will rack up six and a half points. 

If another player spoils the word for you immediately mark your card with how many guesses you took before the word was spoilt. If you were the offending spoiler, you get an additional four points. This opens up the opportunity of trying to get another player to spoil the word for you so you can get a better score and penalise your opponents, but surely no one would do that, right? 

If you’re looking for today’s Wordle answer you can just click the link, but you can’t give us four points for telling you, sorry. 

Since Wordle‘s launch in October 2021 it’s become the internet’s premier word game. While that initial swell of pop culture support has since tapered off, there are still a lot of people starting their day by guessing the five letter word. The New York Times bought it for their puzzle section for “a low seven-figure sum” in early 2022 and have kept it running free to play ever since. 

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