
Now that its exclusivity period with the Epic and the Ubisoft stores has ended, The Division 2 is now available on Steam. If that wasn’t enough, the standard edition is also on sale for $9/£7.80, and the Warlords of New York Editions are also on sale. The Division 2: Warlords of New York Overview Trailer
Audio player loading… From never before seen maps to various models, the latest Team Fortress 2 leak has given fans a lot to mull over.  The biggest Valve has seen to date; the 61GB leak includes various unreleased maps, models, PSDs (photoshop source design), and VMFs (valve map format) for Team Fortress 2. The latter
The Pokemon Company has released a video commemorating the release of 1008 Pokemon. Yes, there are now 1008 Pokemon running about the place thanks to the release of Generation 9 in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, which added 103 new Pokemon. It also added new moves, bringing the total to 898, and 31 new abilities bringing