
This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Terms of use. Google has given up on streaming games to you from the cloud, but it’s moving forward with the expansion of Android games for Windows. The previous test of Google Play Games has expanded, giving players in the US and other
This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Terms of use. AMD has finally pulled the wraps off its next-generation RDNA3 GPUs, and they’re aimed at 4K gaming at high frame rates. At a live-streamed event yesterday, the company unveiled its flagship GPU as well as a slightly cut-down version of the
When I was eight years old, I introduced Pokémon to the playground. I’d just watched the first episodes of the anime on SM:TV Live and forced my friends to engage in imaginary Pokémon battles. I’d forgotten many of the Pokémon’s names, so fights were mismatches like Onix versus Rockadock (whom I later found is called
^Stay tuned for our Marvel Snap review video! Marvel Snap is better than it has any right to be. It certainly is too good for the likes of me: a strictly single-player person who much prefers a cosy PlayStation exclusive with exploration and narrative and not a single other human being getting involved to ruin
This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Terms of use. This week AMD will finally unveil its chiplet-based RDNA3 GPUs. The big question is whether AMD will follow Nvidia’s lead with power-guzzling, fire-breathing GPUs, and at what price? The gaming community has been split on the RTX 4090. Some appreciate