
Audio player loading… A new splitscreen multiplayer mod for recently released adventure game Stray lets you buddy up with a feline friend. After working out how to swap Stray’s silent protagonist for their own pets, modders have found yet another way of adding even more cats to the game. Modder KangieDanie has released a splitscreen
A huge Neopets hack has potentially compromised tens of millions of accounts, as revealed earlier this week. As reported by Polygon, more than 69 million Neopets accounts may have had their customer data stolen in a major data breach. A Neopets representative confirmed through Discord that the company is “actively working” on fixing the issue,
Audio player loading… Mojang has finally weighed in on NFTs in Minecraft, and the official word is: they’re out. Minecraft is the best-selling PC game ever with a vast playerbase that’s ripe to be funneled into an NFT-fuelled metaverse. But Mojang has released a statement (opens in new tab) pointing out that the ‘NFT mentality’
This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Terms of use. Minecraft has become a gaming staple over the years, allowing players to build the world of their dreams. But what if that dream included NFTs? Developer Mojang has clarified its position on NFTs, and it’s not good news for anyone