
This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Terms of use. GoG, the video game and film storefront formerly known as Good Old Games, has announced it will offer menstrual leave for employees affected by cycle-related complications.  In a LinkedIn post from earlier this month, GoG stated it would be “giving
Audio player loading… We’ve been a bit spoilt when it comes to Ghostbusters games lately. We’re getting Spirits Unleashed, an asymmetric 4v1 multiplayer game where one of you plays as the ghost, and soon, Ghostbusters VR. Even though I wouldn’t describe myself as a Ghostbusters superfan – I didn’t even watch the original films until
Techland has announced a sales milestone for Dying Light 2. According to the developer, the game sold through 5 million copies during its first month of availability across all platforms. The game was released on February 4, so total sales will be higher. The studio also announced the first game in the franchise, Dying Light,
This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Terms of use. (Photo: Tamara Bitter/Unsplash)There are few things you can do these days without being subjected to ads. Soon, playing console games will no longer be one of them. Sony is working with marketing partners to design in-game ads, according to sources
Audio player loading… Saints Row, the upcoming reboot of Volition’s excessively silly open-world crime series, will include heaps of customization options, letting you change the appearance and function of your character, vehicles, weapons, gang, and HQ in intricate detail. Revealed during a preview showcase and press briefing, the customization options in Saints Row range from