PS4 & PS5

Tchia has finally received a March release date for PS5 and PS4, and the good news is that the game will be released on PS Plus Extra and Premium on day one. During today’s State of Play show, Sony also revealed the game will be getting an Oléti Edition featuring cosmetic items from Kepler Interactive’s other studios
We’re Larian Studios, developers of Divinity: Original Sin 2 and Baldur’s Gate 3, and we’re proud to bring you the news that Baldur’s Gate 3 is coming to PS5 on August 31, 2023! Play Video The land of Faerûn is under siege by a hostile and otherworldly force known as mind flayers. Their army expands
Games Done Quick (GDQ), the organization that holds speedrun marathons that raise money for a variety of charities, has updated its banned game list to include Hogwarts Legacy and all Harry Potter titles. However, the company has also said this ban will be “subject to further review in the future.” Why were the Harry Potter
Zen Studios has been developing pinball games since essentially the developer’s inception in 2007. Their latest free-to-start game, Pinball FX, has released on all current and last-gen consoles. We’ve knocked some virtual balls around for a bit, and have arrived with our Pinball FX PS5 review to see if there’s anything new and noteworthy this