Ghostwire: Tokyo is set in modern-day Tokyo after a mass disappearance of its citizens. The story begins at Shibuya’s famous Scramble Crossing, renowned as one of the world’s busiest pedestrian intersections. In an instant, everyone vanishes — except for our protagonist Akito, who suddenly finds himself caught up in events beyond imagination. A dangerous fog
PS4 & PS5
The fan-made Bloodborne PSX demake has been a big hit, with more than 100,000 downloads in the day since its release. The reimagining distills Yharnam into a PS1-like experience and shows what Bloodborne might have been like if it had been released in the late 1990s. It also gives PC players a chance to see
When Aloy explores the frontier of the Forbidden West on February 18, she’ll discover a huge variety of exciting things to do: Melee Pits in settlements, Salvage Contracts in the wilds, Outposts and Camps teeming with Regalla’s rebels, plus mysterious challenges, ruins, and more. Play Video Take a closer look as we delve into all
Just yesterday, Sony announced they were making “several” live service games but now we have a figure to add to that statement. During a conference call to accompany their latest financial results, Sony CFO Hiroki Totoki confirmed they’re aiming to launch more than ten live service games by 2026 with the help of Bungie, their
EA CEO Andrew Wilson has revealed the publisher has “three or four more” games that they’re yet to announce that are due to be released during the next fiscal year, which is sometime between April 2022 and the end of March 2023. This is in addition to a strong lineup of games that they have
Thanks for tuning into our in-depth look at the modes and features of Gran Turismo 7. You can view the full VOD below, which contains more than 30 minutes of new gameplay footage, insight into various modes, and more. Play Video As you can see, there’s a lot going on in GT7 and there is
Shohei Ohtani was our unanimous choice to be on the cover of MLB The Show 22, but we wanted to do something special for the Collector’s Edition(s). You might not know this, but Shohei is a big fan of manga and anime; he has been since his years attending Hanamaki Higashi High School in Japan.
It’s Wednesday, one of the most common days for PS5 restocks. Hopefuls in the US and UK will be wanting to know which retailers will soon be restocking both the disc and Digital Edition of the PlayStation 5, as well as any bundles. With last month proving very fruitful when it came to both announced and
Far Cry 6 has been invaded by a Rambo superfan in the latest crossover mission. Released alongside a title update today, the free “All The Blood” mission means players accompany the superfan in a vendetta against the Yaran military. What’s in the Far Cry 6 Update 4 patch notes? The latest Far Cry 6 update arrived
With February 4 just around the corner, only a few days remain until the release of Dying Light 2 Stay Human on PS4 and PS5. Soon, you’ll get to explore its vast, post-apocalyptic open world and all the challenges within. But before that—let us take you on a tour of the ways Techland’s innovative FPS
The biggest event of the year is BACK. No? Alright, the… flashiest event of the year? Oh, fine – our favourite event of the year returns. It is, of course, the annual Impy Awards, which celebrates the very best of Dreams and its brilliant coMmunity from the past year. It’s an excellent excuse for us
Welcome back! It’s a new year, which means 12 new Players’ Choice champions. January is usually on the slower side release-wise, but we still had a few fun drops. Deep Rock Galactic was a smashing success as part of your PlayStation Plus membership, Wanderer and Zenith: The Last City are fine new additions to your
Sony Interactive Entertainment’s president and chief executive officer, Jim Ryan, has confirmed that PlayStation Studios are making “several” live service games and its acquisition of Bungie will support their efforts. In a press release announcing the acquisition, Ryan wrote that Sony is keen to utilize Bungie’s experience in live services. Hermen Hulst, Head of PlayStation
Discord integration with PS5 and PS4 has arrived today, January 31, in the US and will be rolling out to additional countries soon. Players can now link their PSN accounts to Discord and show their PlayStation game activity on their Discord user profile, including the game they’re playing and how long they’ve been playing it.
Hello PlayStation fans! My name is Kuba, and I am the Game Director at Flying Wild Hog. Today, we wanted to tell you more about our upcoming game Shadow Warrior 3, including some huge news – we can finally reveal the Shadow Warrior 3 release date! So let’s start with what we love seeing the
Shohei Ohtani’s 2021 season was one for the ages. Hitting 46 home runs, 100 RBI’s, and stealing 26 bases while also having a 9-2 record on the mound with a 3.18 ERA and 156 strikeouts. It has been said, “The man on top of the mountain didn’t fall there.” Ohtani might seem like an overnight
Those who are subscribed to PS Plus get access to online multiplayer, free monthly games, and an additional discount on certain titles in the featured sale. The “Games Under $20” is currently under way and PS Plus subscribers can make cheap games even cheaper. Sadly, it can be difficult to sort the PS Plus discounted games
Twitter user AccountNGT, who have been spot on with their recent leaks and reports, have claimed that Quantic Dream’s Star Wars Eclipse has sought inspiration from Naughty Dog’s The Last of Us. Quantic Dream’s Montreal studio is reportedly working on gameplay prototypes at the moment, with the aim of having a mix of story and