PS4 & PS5

Each week Sony brings PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PlayStation VR, and PlayStation Plus owners new content, add-ons, games, and more. Here is the complete global PlayStation Store update. PlayStation LifeStyle catalogs the PlayStation Store updates for the major regions across the globe. Check back every Tuesday to keep up to date with each week’s PlayStation
Capcom has rolled out Dragon’s Dogma 2 PS5 update 2.01, the patch notes for which reveal the addition of a casual mode. The mode makes several adjustments to make the game more welcoming, including reducing inn fees and price of Ferrystones, and consuming less stamina outside of battle. Dragon’s Dogma 2 PS5 update 2.01 patch
Yesterday, Bloomberg reported Annapurna Interactive‘s entire staff resigned after negotiations to spin out fell through. This leaves tons of unanswered questions on the table including concerns about Remedy Entertainment‘s recent partnership with the company to aid in Control 2‘s development. After many reached out, it has been confirmed the Finnish studio’s deal isn’t impacted by
Last week, we blasted off into a new adventure with Astro Bot, and asked you to share your favorite moments using #PSshare #PSBlog. Here are this week’s highlights: Boargs shares Astro leading a pack of bots across the Crash Site. i3ecci_ shares Astro riding down some colorful railing into a level. ​​ AutomotiveVP shares Astro
Sony has been randomly awarding tons of PS Stars points to select members for simply completing campaigns. We’re not sure if this is a glitch or if Sony’s being unusually generous, but a number of players have reported receiving a whopping 500 points for campaigns that typically award a measly 50 points. Players taken aback
Today, we’re happy to announce a new PS5 system software update that introduces a number of new features, including: Welcome hub: a new personalized space with customizable widgets and backgrounds in your PS5 home screen. Welcome hub is a reimagined version of the Explore tab, which was previously only available in the U.S. It will