
Image: Annapurna Interactive The latest Nintendo Download update for North America has arrived, and it’s bringing new games galore to the eShop in your region. As always, be sure to drop a vote in our poll and comment down below with your potential picks for the week. Enjoy! Switch eShop – Highlights Outer Wilds: Archaeologist
Believe it or not, December 7th will officially mark 5 years since Nintendo had released Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. The game has since received a lot of support, as well as the addition of DLC fighters. However, things have been quiet for a couple of years now that the DLC fighters have finished being added.
It has now been almost 3. months since Mortal Kombat 1 released on multiple platforms, including the Nintendo Switch. Since then, the game has now entered its post-launch phase, where updates have been getting released and downloadable content has gradually been coming out. This is no exception. NetherRealm Studios has released a new gameplay trailer
The recent resurgence of Banjo-Kazooie isn’t surprising, thanks in large part to the friendly releationship that Microsoft and Nintendo have. Banjo-Kazooie is playable in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and the first Banjo-Kazooie game is currently available to play on Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack’s Nintendo 64 library. However, despite all the attention and announcements
The developers behind Sonic Mania, Evening Star, may not be working with SEGA on a new Sonic the Hedgehog game for the time being, but that doesn’t mean they’re not doing anything at all. Earlier this year, they announced a new game called Penny’s Big Breakaway. However, you may be curious to learn more about
You may recall that, yesterday, Nintendo had announced that Splatoon 3 would be receiving a brand new update later today. They had also released the patch notes for the update in advance, which is something that Nintendo likes to do often with Splatoon 3 updates. Well, as promised, Nintendo has officially released the update. Once
[embedded content]Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube The newest entry in Level-5’s popular multimedia mecha series, Megaton Musashi: Wired will no longer be launching in 2023 — no surprise, really, given that we’re almost in December! However, we don’t have to wait too long. During today’s Level-5 Showcase, the developer announced that the upcoming mecha