
Image: Nintendo Life/ConcernedApe/Marvelous XSEED Over the holidays we’re republishing some choice features from the last 12 months. A mix of talking points, interviews, opinion pieces and more from NL staff and contributors, you’ll find our usual blend of thoughtfulness, expertise, frivolity, retro nostalgia, and — of course — enthusiasm for all things Nintendo. Happy holidays!
Image: Nintendo Over the holidays we’re republishing some choice features from the last 12 months. A mix of talking points, interviews, opinion pieces and more from NL staff and contributors, you’ll find our usual blend of thoughtfulness, expertise, frivolity, retro nostalgia, and — of course — enthusiasm for all things Nintendo. Happy holidays! It happened
Popular gaming site IGN has tasked its staff to find out what the all-time best video game remakes are and it is a fairly solid list. Games from a wide array of developers have made the list including Capcom, Bluepoint Games, The Pokemon Company, Nintendo and Square Enix. The covered No.1 spot went to Capcom’s