Xbox One

It’s one thing to blow up a spaceship; it’s another to dismantle it piece by piece, systematically reducing it from a hulking barge to a pile of valuable scrap. There’s a great sense of satisfaction in doing that job well, especially when performing it efficiently requires careful planning and carries a not-insignificant risk of killing
We won’t lie – Silt looks gorgeous. Delivering a wickedly surreal underwater adventure, it’s that beauty which today floats out onto Xbox, PlayStation, Switch and PC.  Coming from Spiral Circus and Fireshine Games, Silt delivers players a monochrome world full of detail and delight. But also full of intrigue, interest and danger. It places you
Games that are influenced by old-school experiences from the late ‘90s have become incredibly popular over the last couple of generations. Part of this popularity is the hope of recapturing that feeling you had when you first played Silent Hill or Resident Evil. Well Injection π23 ‘Ars regia’ is hoping you will get that same
One of the many joys of being a game reviewer is to get to play games that would, in all likelihood, have passed us by. Some of these games have been really good, like Ganryu 2, and some less so, like Ikai; the fact remains that life is all the richer for having experienced them.
“Is that IT? Have I just completed it?” “Those do seem to be the credits.” “That’s RUBBISH!” “Wait! There were minigames on the menu.” “You’re kidding me! Those are the same minigames from the game.” This was the conversation I had with my seven-year old daughter after playing My Little Pony: A Maretime Bay Adventure
The sequel to Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order will be released in 2023. Today, Respawn Entertainment, Electronic Arts, and Lucasfilm Games unveiled Star Wars Jedi: Survivor on stage at Star Wars Celebration. Developed by the veteran team at Respawn, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor will expand upon the iconic Star Wars stories, worlds, characters, and thrilling
We’d love to know what came packaged in Hunt Ducks I. We can’t imagine anything less than what’s on offer in Hunt Ducks II, so the fact that this is a sequel to a game that – theoretically – has even less content, well, that absolutely boggles us.  Clearly, this isn’t going to be a