Xbox One

Gamers of a certain vintage will remember Top Racer with fondness. The hours I spent playing the original games on my Super Nintendo back in the day were long, and it is to games like this that I can trace my love of racing games; something that continues to this day. Of course, I knew
Mobius, you may be wondering where you’ve heard that word before recently. No, it’s not a game about Owen Wilson’s latest invention, but instead what we have here is a Metroidvania title from publisher and developer Madruga Works. What’s that? You’ve never heard of “Metroidvania” before? Well let’s start at the beginning then. These games
Let’s not beat around the bush: this is a Harry Potter escape room. Sure, there are no sorting hats or golden snitches, but you get the sense that mc2games would have tossed them in if they could get away with it. When the puzzles start dabbling in spell names, you can feel the temptation to