Xbox One

It may not come with the glitz and glamour of the F1 circuit, but if you’re after motorsport thrills and spills, there’s possibly nowhere better to look than towards the World Rally Championships. It’s here in the WRC where some of the most skilled of drivers ply their trade, jumping behind the wheel with co-driver
a haunting in venice film review Every time Kenneth Branagh’s Hercule Poirot leaves the house, someone dies. In 2017 he hopped aboard the Orient Express and someone died. In 2022, he took a trip down the Nile, and someone died. He should probably only go places by bicycle. Agatha Christie wasn’t going to write Murder
The main character of Swapshot has an ability that might seem like it’s something you’d want in real life. With a single bullet-like shot, you can swap places with whatever you’re firing at. It sounds powerful, but the more we think about it – and the more we play Swapshot – we realise that it
To Whom It May Concern Fall has begun over here at HQ, and you can already feel its effects in the air. The leaves are turning, the faint smell of vaguely pumpkin flavored coffee permeates the office, and the night is dark and full of terrors. (That’s from when everyone still liked that show, right?)
Making a sequel is hard. In fact, it could be seen as a frightening prospect.  On one hand, if a game has gone well and the audience loves it then producing another along the same lines is like printing money. But the downside is that the audience wants a new experience, albeit in a similar
Clowns get a bit of a bad rap. How many times have we seen a clown hunting victims through corridors in a survival horror game? Or appearing in a film, smiling away in make-up, complete with a knife and a scary laugh? So the name Vlad Circus: Descend Into Madness doesn’t come as a surprise.
Two words that always strike dread into my gaming heart are that of roguelike and roguelite. So when a new game appears on the horizon promising to be one of these, I’m obviously the best placed to take on the challenge.  That game is Warm Snow from those at bilibili Game/BadMud Studio and Microids. But