Xbox One

Shukuchi Ninja isn’t like any ninja we’ve encountered before. Ryu Hayabusa or Shinobi wouldn’t stand for being fired like an angry bird at their enemies. We’d imagine it’s against their code and more than a little demeaning.  Shukuchi Ninja doesn’t care. He’s more than happy to be tossed at his enemies for a quick decapitation.
Counter-Strike 2, the highly anticipated sequel to the most popular first-person shooter ever made, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO), is almost here! The developers have confirmed that CS2 will launch in summer 2023 as a free upgrade to CS:GO and will bring significant improvements to the gameplay, graphics, and performance of the game. One of the
If you’re going to pick a movie to steal from, you could do a lot worse than Innerspace. Yep, this isn’t your traditional shoot ’em up foray into space: this is a run through the human body. You’re Dennis Quaid, flying through the body of Martin Short, clearing out toxins with a machine gun.  Well,
As superpowers go, Little Disaster – the main character of Little Disaster – has one of the worst. It can jump, but every time it does, it leaves behind an explosive blast. We’re trying to imagine situations where that would be useful rather than terrible, and we’re coming up short. Basically, they’re a walking pothole
I’ve played through Gruta three times now (collectibles and broken achievements will do that to a man), but I still couldn’t tell you what the story is about. A child defeats a demon who has possessed their arguing parents? A child is coerced into fighting a demon by their manipulative parents? A wartorn country causes
John Wick: Chapter 4 Film Review There’s a common opinion rumbling about on the internet, that the John Wick series is at its worst when it’s worldbuilding, and at its best when it’s thumping skulls. The theory goes that all the mythology that surrounds John Wick – the Continentals, High Tables and tokens – is