Xbox One

Making friends in 2023 is difficult, what with the social anxieties of coming out of lockdown, and the increasingly isolated existence that we’re all experiencing. But spare a thought for an AI living in a video game from 1984. That must be a lonely experience. If we find it hard making friends, it’s got to
It’s not much of a choice is it? Death or Treat? We’ll go for ‘Treat’. Death or Treat, in this instance, is an action-platformer roguelike, vaguely in the way of Dead Cells. You fight your way through procedurally generated levels and hordes of enemies, bump up against the odd boss, and hope that you can
We’ve been trying for the life of us to work out why 90” Soccer is called what it is. Is the width of the pitch a mere 90 inches wide? The length maybe? Perhaps the goals are teeny tiny affairs in which goalies are miniaturised. Or perhaps 90” Soccer is called what it is because
The Xbox has played host to some odd fusions of genres in the past. Whether it be the rhythm action/RPG blend of Infinite Guitars, or the mix of Metroidvania with Lovecraftian horror in The Last Case of Benedict Fox, there are many genre fusing games out there.  Well, now, there is yet another in the
There are two types of fairy tales being told across the world. There is the one which we are read to as children, tales full of morals, adventure and happy endings. These tales get turned into films, told again and again, forevermore. But within these stories, there lies a darker truth – murder, monsters, and
Now that the dust has almost settled on the blood-stained streets of HELL-A in Dead Island 2, it is time to get something off my chest. Something that has been affecting my moral compass since 2014 when myself and my two best friends played through the original Dead Island in co-op mode, from start to