Xbox One

Kill blob, get dagger, heal up. Kill rat, get sword, heal up. Find dungeon, kill skeletons, get warhammer, heal up. Encounter boss, kill boss, get Necromantic Tome of Skeleton Summoning, heal up.  Loop Hero knows the deal. If you break down most games, you get a loop. It’s the rhythm of every game that teases
There have been eight ‘Puzzle by Nikoli W‘ games on the Xbox and none of them are what we would call fast-paced. They tend to be back-of-a-newspaper puzzles that tangle us in their web for fifteen minutes each, deliberating on where to place each line, number or square. They are extremely slow, rather than fast
“Leon… Help!” If, like me, you played the original Resident Evil 4 to death you’ll be able to hear these words ring in your ears even after all these years. Despite being almost as irritating as the little navigation fairy from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, it marked just one of numerous ways
The first Sherlock Holmes game I played was on the ZX Spectrum way back in 1984; a game simply called Sherlock. It was a text adventure with the odd rendered still animation and I loved it. It allowed me the chance to go on trains, to try and solve a murder and it made me
Summary A devs-eye-view revealing some of the design decisions that went into the making of this infinitely replayable murder mystery. Procedurally generated 3D environment with a layered murder mystery narrative to make every playthrough different. Murderous Muses arrives on today on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One. Hi, I’m Lynda, one of the writers and
There’s something immediately appealing about the one-vs-many revenge flick. Give us a gruff, competent protagonist who wants the bad guy’s head on a spike (probably for shooting a dog or kidnapping a daughter), and let them work their way through henchmen armed only with a hammer and a silenced pistol. Pit them against an organised
8-Ball Pocket has the power to make you reminisce about your favourite snooker or pool game. Mine’s Side Pocket, with a bit of Jimmy White’s Whirlwind Snooker, if you’re asking. It got me reminiscing because I had an itch that I wanted a pool game to scratch, and 8-Ball Pocket completely failed to scratch it.