Apex Legends’ Final Fantasy 7 crossover is kicking things off tomorrow, but players are frustrated over some costly cosmetics and potential use of AI in the event’s ads. As of tomorrow, you’ll be able to pick up some pretty cool-looking Final Fantasy 7 themed cosmetics in Apex Legends, the game’s first collaboration event with another
Welcome to another instalment of the Maw, our weekly live round-up of all things New and videogame-flavoured, as we continue our eternal efforts to appease the festering dark god of gossip and reportage. I asked the Maw if it had any 2024 resolutions last Friday, and it responded with the brain-splitting clamour of a million
Twin stick shooters seem to be a bit like buses and the next in the queue is From Space from Triangle Studios and Curve Games. With the promise of alien shooting action and some jolly cooperative gameplay with like-minded people from around the world, all looks rosy in the From Space garden. But can the
Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown will include an accessibility feature that you’ll probably want in every Metroidvania from now on. A thing that’s pretty much universally agreed upon is that Metroidvania’s can be a bit confusing. I’m sure if you’ve played one you’ve found yourself thinking, “hang on, where was that one place again?
Update: Bossa Games has confirmed to TRG that a total of 20 team members have been made redundant, which is approximately one third of the studio.  In an official statement shared with us, Bossa Games’ co-founder, Henrique Olifiers, said: “We find ourselves in the midst of a perfect storm of events.”  He continued: “A sequence