Madame Web, the upcoming Spider-Man spin-off, finally has a first look at the titular character’s hero suit. Where? Oh, a cranberry juice bottle, of course. Oh, Sony. You really are so desperate to make a Spider-Man cinematic universe, without any inclination as to how that could possibly work, particularly when said universe doesn’t actually have
You may recall that, a month ago, Nintendo had announced that a new Spirit Event would be occurring in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate in January. It was also officially confirmed that the event will include some new spirits. though the company didn’t specify exactly what the spirits would be. Well, Nintendo has shared some more
Tekken 8’s release date is fast approaching. As well as the fast-paced brutal PvP fighting action, players can look forward to an all-new campaign, which will be a continuation of the Mishima bloodline saga that series veterans know and love. However, if you’re new to the series or have just forgotten some of the story
Each week Sony brings PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PlayStation VR, and PlayStation Plus owners new content, add-ons, games, and more. Here is the complete global PlayStation Store update. PlayStation LifeStyle catalogs the PlayStation Store updates for the major regions across the globe. Check back every Tuesday to keep up to date with each week’s PlayStation
Sony surprised attendees at its CES 2024 press conference with the appearance of the PS5 Slim console in three of the upcoming new colors. As well as the standard white coloring that is available right now, the three new metallic colors were Volcanic Red, Sterling Silver, and Cobalt Blue, and they’ll each come with a